Friday, January 3, 2025


Hi folks. Chef G. here, and I'm happier than a Triple Crown winning seahorse to be back with Episode #51 of the Chef G. Cooking Channel.

I already know what you're thinking:  "Are you high on something, Chef G.?  A seahorse could NEVER beat a field of highly trained, thoroughbred land-horses in the Kentucky Derby, Preakness, and Belmont.  Maybe one of those races, but not all three."

"Never say NEVER," is my reply.  Look at ME, for example.  People used to say I was a loser who would never amount to anything in the competitive celebrity chef industry.  Well, those people are eating crow droppings now.  Like that hypothetical seahorse, I too am a Triple Crown winner.  Against nearly impossible odds, I have beaten a host of highly trained, thoroughbred TV chefs to become the first winner of the Lifetime Culinary Triple Crown.

In 2021, I won the "Thumbs-Up Award" for excellence in cooking.  (Episode 16)


My efforts in preparing a gigantic chunk of meat in Episode 31 earned me the "Steakmaster Award" in 2022.

Last month (Episode #50), I became a "Bow Thai Award" winner for only the second Thai dish I ever cooked.  You've got to have a lot of food knowledge for that kind of achievement, and I've got it. 


I hate myself for being such a shameless braggart about being an acclaimed professional chef, but not enough to prevent me from bragging about my wine expertise as well.  Like many pretentious cooks, I've been lauded for my ability to pair fine wines with delicious food.

In Episode #14, I provided links to my early bike touring reviews of local wines.  (Yup, I'm also an amateur bike rider.)  The Academy of Winos rewarded my writing with numerous "Wine Oscars" in the category of Best Campsite Wine Reviews.

After that, I expanded into video bike touring wine reviews.  The videos didn't work out so well at first, because I had zero visual appeal.  Yet I persevered with hard work and increased ridiculousness.  In the end, both of the following videos earned me prestigious "Winey Awards."  I'm sure you'll agree that two "Wineys" is quite an achievement for a dude who doesn't even like wine.



Anyway, it's a new year, and I sincerely thank you for tuning in to this Greatest Hits episode.  Believe it or not, I am celebrating my Sixth Anniversary of Chefly Blogging.  Almost four years of that time has been here on the Chef G. Cooking Channel.  Before that, I had a gig on a different site, but I got kicked off of that one for being too "hostile."  What's up with that?

Again, thank you for helping me celebrate six years of cooking brilliance.  Good night, and may you enjoy many delicious meals in 2025.

P.S.  I'll be back soon with an actual recipe.  Count on it.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Drunken Noodles, Sober Chef

Hi folks, Chef G. here and I'm happier than a 12-point buck who survived hunting season to welcome you back to The Chef G. Cooking Channel.  In case you got lost on the internet and found yourself reading this oddity by mistake, let me fill you in on what's going on.  This site is dedicated to Making America's Grossly Average Cooking Righteous And Powerful Again.  As the big kahuna of the MAGACRAPA movement, I am proud to say that out of all the celebrity chef blogs based in the northern part of the central part of my area of the upper Midwest, mine is ranked #1.

[Thank you, studio audience, for that generous round of applause.  Now let's get down to the serious work of making delicious food.]

As promised last month, I'm going to cook another Thai dish.  Thailanders have one of the most intriguing food cultures in the world and I barely scratched the surface of Thaiborg cooking with my Tom Kha Gai.  If I ever hope to wear the coveted BowThai Award for excellence in Thaiowan cooking, I know I have to expand my Thaihorizons.

That brings me to Pad Kee Mao, which, if I'm not mistaken, translates to "Drunken Noodles."  I used the Googler thing on my computer to obtain some history behind the name, but I forgot most of what I read.  I'm a senior citizen who just got over a bout with Covid.  I can't be expected to remember stuff I learned more than two hours ago.

One thing I DO remember reading is that Pad Kee Mao is often eaten in Thailand late at night after partying with friends.  Speaking from past experience, the food equivalent in America would be those tiny hamburgers I used to get at White Castle well after midnight.

I also used the Googler to look up some recipes for Thai Drunken Noodles.  I could not believe how many versions of Pad Kee Mao there are, and how the ingredients for those recipes are all over the place.  It seems you can put almost any kind of meat, any kind of vegetables, and any kind of spices you want into this scrumptious dish.  With that kind of freedom, who knows what I might cook up?

There ARE a few constants though.  Every recipe I saw included soy sauce, fish sauce, sugar, hot chili peppers, flat rice noodles, and holy basil.  I could not find holy basil at my local market, so I settled for its cousin, blasphemous basil. 

Another concession I made to authentic Pad Kee Mau is that I reduced the heat.  My tongue, esophagus and guts can no longer tolerate high levels of capsaicin.  Therefore, I used just a couple mildly hot peppers--peppers in the middle of the Scoville Scale rather than the super high heat of the hybrid chili peppers out there.  (Try eating a scorpion or ghost pepper sometime.)

So there you go.  My plan is to preserve the many fine flavors contained in Pad Kee Mao without overwhelming them with mouth-burning torture.  Another part of my plan is to make drunken noodles without being drunk.  A couple of local craft beers should suffice.

I should have waited to post this picture until I worked out a payment agreement with the local brewery.  An endorsement from Chef G. will make them $Millions.  Now, I'll be lucky to get a few thousand bucks out of the deal.


In the following pictures, you'll see the ingredients I selected for my Pad Kee Mao.

Clockwise from upper left:  Sliced red bell pepper, green onions, blasphemous basil, minced garlic, minced ginger, sliced shallot, hot chili peppers. 

Flat rice noodles. 

Chicken thigh pieces mixed with a bit of water, a tad of cornstarch, a modicum of olive oil, and a scootch of soy sauce.

Pretty easy so far, right?  While the rice noodles softened in boiling water for a couple of minutes, I put the seasoned chicken pieces into very hot oil in my wok.

I could almost eat this nicely seared chicken already.  But I'll wait.

I removed the chicken from the wok and set it aside.  Then I added a little more oil and tossed in the garlic, ginger and shallot.  A half minute later, the red bell peppers, the chili peppers, and the blasphemous basil went in.  I stirred it all together, because that's what you do with a stir fry.

Quickly thereafter, I returned the chicken to the wok.  A little more oil too.  Then the rice noodles were added.  Then came the sauce I made from a tablespoon of brown sugar, two tablespoons of soy sauce, two tablespoons of fish sauce (sorry, none for you Mrs. Chef G.) and a little pepper.  For good measure, I poured an ounce of ale into the mix.  Check out the process in the next few pictures.  

The stirring was great.  The sizzle was great.  The beauty was greater.  The aroma was greatest.  I could not wait to scoop some into a bowl to see if the taste was BEYOND great.

Oh My Golly Gosh, it was so f***ing good.



I apologized to my studio audience for the profane outburst in the last picture's caption.  Surprisingly, most of them agreed that my swearing was not emphatic ENOUGH about the deliciousness.

Indeed, it was truly delicious, but I see some avenues for improvement.  Most of those avenues are related to my reluctance to buy additional ingredients that I'm not familiar with and that I might not ever use again.  For example, do you REALLY need fish sauce AND oyster sauce?  Do you really need DARK soy sauce AND regular soy sauce?  Will Shaoxing Wine be a better additive than beer?  Is holy basil that much better than blasphemous basil?

After tasting the wonderful flavors of my humble Pad Kee Mao, I think the answer to all of those questions is "yes."  I'm ready to take it to the next level.



Somehow, even before I had a chance to take my dish to the next level, Thai chefs from around the world noticed my recipe and loved it.  I guess that's a testament to the influence of The Chef G. Cooking Channel, my personal fame, and the MAGACRAPA movement.

At the annual Conference of Thai Chefs, I humbly accepted The BowThai Award for excellence in Thai cooking.